My Path to UX Design

My journey into UX design was sparked by an unexpected source of inspiration. Originally an accountant and auditor for eight years, my perspective shifted dramatically after reading Phil Knight's "Shoe Dog." This led to a profound interest in how design could significantly improve our daily interactions—further cemented by Don Norman’s work, "The Design of Everyday Things." I transitioned into UX design, fortified by a comprehensive, project-based program at General Assembly, which deepened my understanding of the UX process. After freelancing across diverse sectors, I moved in-house at a SaaS company, where I thrive on turning user feedback into actionable insights.

Life Beyond the Screen

When not immersed in design, you can find me outdoors, whether I’m cycling through the countryside, snowboarding down slopes, or playing a relaxing (or frustrating) round of golf. Each activity offers a fresh perspective and a burst of inspiration that I bring back to my work. Travel also plays a significant role in my life, enriching my understanding of global user experiences and cultural nuances, which I leverage to enhance my design projects.

What Drives Me

My career is driven by a passion for understanding user needs and creating interfaces that are not only functional but delightful. I believe that great design arises from a blend of empathy, innovation, and rigorous testing. Looking ahead, I am excited about opportunities to lead projects that challenge the status quo and create meaningful impacts through user-centered design.